Sunday 19 January 2014

A Mancunian goes to the desert

After Bogotá I decided to head south to San Agustin, but decided to spend the night in el desierto de tatacoa along the way, promised amazing night sky views at the local observatory and wonderful scenery.

The ride there was long leaving Bogotá at 9, arriving in the desert at 630, after an hours wait in neiva for enough people for the colectivo and paying the colectivo driver yo take me out into the desert. The desert is surprisingly active at night, with a big crowd round the observatory, the night sky was overcast, but some stars could be seen through the gaps. Resolving to wake up early and see the stars when the clouds had cleared, I went to bed early.

I woke up at 5 to the sound of rain. Yes rain in the desert. For the next 6 hours the desert experienced heavy rain, light drizzle, heavy drizzle, light rain, and all the many varieties of rain known well by the residents of Manchester (but about 15 degrees warmer which is a lot more pleasant!)

Embarking on a tour of the desert, with our guide Jorge, and Edgar and Cecilia, a kind Colombian couple who offered the use of there car.  The desert has some truly spectacular landscapes. Finishing the tour was a nice outdoor pool from a natural spring. After jumping in I discovered a truth, everything in the desert has a price! After paying for use of the pool, and returning to the hostel, I had to bargain for a ride to town on the back of our guides motorbike (10000 pesos for a 4km ride, 6000 pesos for the 45km ride from neiva to villaveija, they really gouge the tourists in the desert). Before heading off on the bumpy ride to San Agustin.

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